Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hair Growth

So once my hair gets to a certain point I swear it refuses to grow anymore.  So I did some research on hair growth and once I sorted through the advertisements for balding men I found some tips.  Some of these include:drinking lots of water, take a Biotin supplement, argan oil, coconut oil, almond oil, massaging your scalp, among other things.  So Saturday the sister and I are doing some casual shopping at TJ's when I come across conditioner with argan oil and a biotin supplement.  It's like TJ Maxx was reading my mind!! Or as my roommate would say (anytime of the year) "It's a Christmas miracle!"  So I bought both of those and also went to the Vitamin Shoppe and got myself some almond oil. So I've been taking the Biotin supplement, using the conditioner (I'll do a review), and put some almond oil in my hair.  I may have used  a little too much almond oil because my hair was greasy but I think I've got it down now. I'll let you know in a few months if my hair looks like the brunette version of this:
Jokes.  But seriously, hopefully my hair grows a little longer.

Have a great hair day!

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