Monday, August 15, 2011

How I Wore It

I know I've already complained about it enough, but in case you haven't read my past posts this summer's humidity has been out of control.  I haven't even been bothering to do my hair much lately because of it.  But a few days ago I decided to work with the humidity and put some curls in.  This is how it ended up.

It got a little frizzy when I went outside despite that amount of product I put in it, but for the most part I was happy with it.  In other news, I'm due for a haircut and I can't decide what I want to do so look out for that post.
Have a great hair day!

1 comment:

  1. I love it!! So pretty! Now if only I wasn't so lazy I would try to make mine look like that haha.

    Andrea :)
