Sunday, July 31, 2011

I have a secret

Sorry it's been a while but it's been a bit of a hectic week.  So what's my secret?  For someone that has a blog about hair I am terrible at washing it!  I don't have the patience to really go through section by section scrubbing.  Last week,  I took a shower and when my hair dried, it was greasier than before so I had to wash it all over again! I'm embarrassed to say this is not the first time this has happened either!  But I do have a trick that always seems to work.  Baking soda. Yeah, I know it sounds a little weird but adding just a little bit of baking soda to my shampoo makes my hair squeaky clean.
In other news, between the chlorine and the humidity my hair had been taking a beating.  I've been washing it less to keep some natural oils but most days it's been going in a bun.
Have a great hair day!

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