Sunday, July 31, 2011

I have a secret

Sorry it's been a while but it's been a bit of a hectic week.  So what's my secret?  For someone that has a blog about hair I am terrible at washing it!  I don't have the patience to really go through section by section scrubbing.  Last week,  I took a shower and when my hair dried, it was greasier than before so I had to wash it all over again! I'm embarrassed to say this is not the first time this has happened either!  But I do have a trick that always seems to work.  Baking soda. Yeah, I know it sounds a little weird but adding just a little bit of baking soda to my shampoo makes my hair squeaky clean.
In other news, between the chlorine and the humidity my hair had been taking a beating.  I've been washing it less to keep some natural oils but most days it's been going in a bun.
Have a great hair day!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Perfect Curls

I love pinned up curls.  They feel so old fashioned.  Sometimes I want to leave them up and go out like that!  The middle model's hair looks amazing, but there's something to that pinned back look.

I haven't had a great hair day in a while between the humidity and swimming in chlorine but hopefully it cools down soon!

Have a great hair day!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

100 degrees

I promise to practice doing this hairstyle lots so I can do a tutorial.  I think it's going to involve a blowout with a big round brush.  Unfortunately, it's been too hot and humid lately to do anything with my hair.  Yesterday I did curls, walked outside, and my hair grew to 5 times it's size.  No amount of product can fix this! I hope you're keeping cool wherever you are!
Have a great hair day!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Big Waves Tutorial

This is an amazing tutorial from Anna-Lee.  The picture to the left is my attempt.  I don't have it quite down but it's not that hard so I think I'll get better.  Anna-Lee is super adorable and has an amazing blog here.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Best Hair Tool Ever?!?!

I love my hair tools but this one is by far my favorite.  It does surprisingly versatile things for one tool.  It's the CONAIR Instant Heat 3.4" Curling Iron.  You can do little ringlets to big waves with it, depending how much hair you put around it.  One day I'll do a tutorial with it.  You can buy it on the CONAIR website.  The best part about it?  It's only $18.  I've also seen it at CVS. I like to do medium beach waves with it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Love Letter

Dear Danielle Fishel,

I've been watching a lot of Boy Meets World lately and have fallen in love with you and your hair.  Great volume, great color, great all over.  What is your secret?  Please share with us.


I found this article saying she actually doesn't have any hair secrets! She likes children's grape conditioner (is that still even on the market?) and doesn't use any products, no hairspray or serums!  She does blow dry it with a metal round brush and washes only every 4 to 5 days.  I'm a fan of less washing but 4 to 5 days?!?!?! She claims her hair doesn't get greasy.  Lucky girl.

Have a great hair day!

Monday, July 11, 2011

First Post!

I didn't go to beauty school.  I don't have the most beautiful hair.  But I love doing hair and believe that good hair makes a great day.  My blog will have some video tutorials (probably not by me), lots of pictures (celebrities, models, me), hair inspiration, and talk about great hair!
For some hair inspiration, Rosie Hunington Whitely with some wonderfully big hair.  I can only hope that I can one day make my hair that big.

Have a great hair day!